sábado, 20 de julho de 2013

Some Information

Capital, principal city: Brasília-DF.
States: 26 plus the Federal District.
Language: Portuguese (NOT spanish)
President: Dilma Rousseff.
Currency: Real. 1 Dollar= 2 Reais.
Gentile: Brazilian, Brasileiro.
Discovered in 1500 by Portugal
Independence: Sep.7 1822
Area:8 515 767, 049   km²

sexta-feira, 19 de julho de 2013

Amazing Brazilian Places

  On that post I'll show some amazing sights in Brazil, not only beachs but snow and castles too.
  Some more reasons to visit us.
  Campos do Jordão: Located in the state of São Paulo, Campos in one of the most beautiful cities in the state, even the country. Located in the mountainous region, sometimes we can find some snow and frost almost every morning.

Urupema, Urubici and São José dos Ausentes:
Known as the coldest cities of the country, there snows only two days of the year, in July (this Monday), and I put them here to show we have snow, a little but we have. Those cities are located in the extreme south and in the mountainous region too, because of that they're cold.

Foz do Iguaçu: A very interesting city, it borders with Argentina and Paraguay, has the Iguaçu Falls, the Iguaçu National Park and the hydroeletric Itaipu, the second largest of the world, furthemore brazilians loves going shopping in Paraguay because there we find better prices with lower taxes and a lot of chinese products (TV's, GPS, incredible cell phones, MP3 MP4 MP45 MP90...)
The last photos are from the paraguayan side

Ubatuba: A beautiful beach city in the north of São Paulo, it contains a great part of Atlantic Rainforest and it's just awesome!
Paraty: It's near Ubatuba and to save time I'm going to put them togheter. Paraty is an historical city with almost 400 years old, famous for it's reefs and historical constructions.